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Introducing our law firm

Talent needs to land for you to win.  Create that space, prepare for the best Exec you've ever landed.


Introducing BrickBridges.

Your C-Suite is precious.  You have hired an incredible recruiter.  But you have done that before.  You have invested in the "promise" of talent only to see the landing be so rough that they left, they failed or they stayed (without adding to your bottom line).


BrickBridges focuses just on that issue.  They create landing spots for great executives.  We leverage overlooked talent seeking alternatives to the full-time grind.  They do the hard things before your new recruit lands, they lay the groundwork for new executive success.  They clean up the messes from the last executive.  They create a spark that is meant to prepare the firm for the entry of a new executive.  And it is a fixed term, fixed fee engagement so you can control costs and deliverables.  Foundations built in the normal time it will take you to recruit.


And get all of the promise of your new executive, with almost none of the risk.

Our Focus


Chief Revenue Officer

We have decades of experience operating at the top level of revenue production.  And have burned through unneeded resources in the first 3 months to get some of the groundwork laid.  Let us get that done, while you find the perfect CRO to lead the resulting org.


No forecast calls?  Forecast always off?  Enablement for AE's missing?  Productivity not measured right? broken? Quotes take too long?  Win rates too low?  Our Bricks can help.


Chief Financial Officer

There comes a time that a firm needs either its first real CFO or an upgrade from where they were.  Regardless the basics being taken care of prior to landing the CFO will help a lot, including understanding the business model and the value chains. 


Knowing the target from the CEO and the Board will drive what needs to be set.  Certainly a process for closing quarters, understanding and publishing historical data and agreeing upon a reliable forecast process with the CEO and head of sales.  Surface any issues before the recruit lands and work with the audit committee members to outline what to be done.


Chief Information Officer

Hopefully you have just moved from that first IT director you had to a CIO that you need to control the information flow in your firm.  Sometimes it is worse than that.  Either way, let Bricks build the foundation of a great technical infrastructure so that the new CIO can crush it.


Memorialize the information flow through all of the firm's divisions and leaders.  Establish the technology value drivers and current gaps.  Document the technology risks faced by the firm's industry.  Understand the technology assets and the impact score they have on the bottom line.


Public Sector

Public Sector senior leaders are unique.  They are fraught with rules that the private sector need not concern itself with and the internal processes to help improve things are complex.


BrickBridges has assets that have served in all levels of its organization.  Being able to have someone set the groundwork before the new exec comes in is the difference between accomplishing the mission and not.


The missions that our Governments seek to accomplish are vitally important to society and setting them up for success is what we do.

Our Founding Bricks

Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation, there is sure to be failure.


The gig economy and executives...Parker & Brown

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